
For those who haven’t heard of it, is a social network for readers and writers. It’s like Facebook, but with a focus on books instead of cat pictures.

Given the subject matter, I naturally thought that Goodreads would be a great place to advertise Death of Secrets.

As far as I can tell, I could not possibly have been more wrong.

I must state upfront that I did not create a specific url to track goodreads purchases. In fact, they prefer that people buy books through their system, so the specific URL wouldn’t really have worked.

That being said, I pretty much never saw any spike in my daily sales numbers that correlated to people “adding the book” on goodreads. It’s possible that a purchase or two snuck in while I wasn’t looking, but I never saw it.

One thing Goodreads does is manage giveaways. You can offer copies of your book for sale, and through the goodreads system people enter to win one of those copies. I did not take advantage of that system this time, but it’s the one thing I might try again on Goodreads. Other than that, this advertising market doesn’t really fit into the marketing plan for Life of Secrets.