I just finished Through Stranger Eyes by Chris Sarantopoulos, and wow, I recommend you check it out here.
There’s so much to say about this book. It starts with a great mystery, moves through revelations that keep getting more and more powerful, creates potent suspense, has an empathetic main character, and a couple good side characters.
The MC’s rejection by his hospital and his wife really made me feel for him. I kept turning pages hoping things got better.
Solpeau and Sherry are both well-characterized.
The ending is practically guaranteed to take you by surprise.
The conflict between the different “matriarchs” was hard to keep track of, as were the various groups of non-matriarch people Rick encounters on his journey.
The book is marred by editing errors and by some structural flaws.
A gruesome scene in the middle.
Overall I really enjoyed reading Through Stranger Eyes. Be warned about a bit of horrifying content in the middle, but otherwise, grab your copy here.